Thursday, September 29, 2011

"Get Out of Your Head and Into Your Heart"

I woke up this morning thinking about how wonderful it is to live inside my body. Okay, you are thinking, what is she talking about? I am talking about really taking a moment and experiencing how you feel and receive the sensations, smells, tastes, sights, and sounds around you. Opening yourself up to literally... Feel Life.

It is so easy to get caught up in the pressures of living that you can forget how to... Live. There really is a "pulse" that beats around us. It is loving, sensuous, sexy, and vibrant. This energy, when you stop rushing around, can shift your whole attitude about everything around you. It can reconnect you to the natural beauty of your life experience. It can help you rediscover the beauty and joy of your existence. All of a sudden, you can begin to feel unexplained happiness and pleasure that you have been overlooking. It will stop you from living a lopsided life powered by exhausting stimulation of the world and start selecting what and who you will allow close to you.

Being a very sensuous person, I am also deeply spiritual and find it very easy to allow this energy to flow through and around me. It enables me to feel and love more deeply. It also allows me to pick up on the "conversations" that go on around me. It helps me to appreciate nature and her glorious gifts. It makes it simpler for me to smile at people as I move through my day. It helps me to be even more grateful for the "magic" in my life; the love of family and friends, the taste of a perfect piece of ripe fruit, how the grass smells after it rains, etc.

When, I am involved in a relationship. It tunes me into the softness of my skin under my lover's touch and the look in his eyes as he admires the beauty of my body. It shows up in shared laughter or comfortable silence as we lie together feeling the rhythm and sensations of each others body. It is the smell of my lover's skin after he showers then, the smell of shaving cream as I watch him shave. There is something so sexy about watching a man shave. It is allowing myself the chance to get lost in the richness of our connection without sacrificing me.

Living life from within your body is glorious. Something that I highly recommend. So, here is my request. Today, I want you to get out of your head and "step" into your heart. Be still long enough to feel your breath and listen for the beat of your heart. Make it even more fun... if you are in a relationship. Hold your lover... lay your head on his chest and listen to his heartbeat. Allow this simple gesture bring the two of you closer together. 

If you are single, then tonight I want you to lie down in your bed after you done with your bedtime preparations. Turn on some soft music, close your eyes, and just lie there and allow your breath to gently take you inside your body. Place your hand upon your heart and as you slowly drift off to sleep... you will hear the beat of your heart welcoming you back home.

It really can change you for the better. I would love to hear about your experience. Leave your comment below.

Have a sensuous and sexy day,

Cyndi Harris (Check out this fun and playful site)

Monday, September 26, 2011

Caring and Loving Men Do Exist... Read This

I just found this on Facebook posted in one of the groups I belong to. I had to pass this along to all of you.

If you have this type of man in your life, what are you willing to do to keep him by your side?

Copied from the facebook profile of Ogal Gaines. Ogal, thank you. 

To every guy that's said, "Sex CAN wait"
To every guy that's said, "You're beautiful."
To every guy that was never too busy to drive across town to see her.
To every guy that gives her flowers and a card when she is sick or down.
To every guy who has given her flowers just because thats how he rolls.
To every guy that said he would die for her.
To every guy that really would.
To every guy that did what she wanted to do.
To every guy that cried in front of her. ....
To every guy that she cried in front of...
To every guy that holds hands with her.
To every guy that kisses her with meaning, and not jus cuz he's hard.

To every guy that hugs her when she's sad.
To every guy that hugs her for no reason at all.
To every guy who would give their jacket up for her.
To every guy that calls to make sure she got home safe.
To every guy that would sit and wait for her for hours just to see her for ten minutes.....
To every guy that would give his seat up...
To every guy that just wants to cuddle.
To every guy that reassured her that she was beautiful no matter what.
To every guy who told his secrets to her.
To every guy that tried to show how much he cared through every word and every breath.
To every guy that thought maybe this could be the one.
To every guy that believed in her dreams.
To every guy that would have done anything so she could achieve them.
To every guy that never laughed at her when she told him her dreams.
To every guy that walked her to her car and opened the door.
To every guy that gave his heart.
To every guy who prays that she is happy even if you are not with her.

Not many women appreciate nice guys anymore...
And because of this, there are not many of us left out there...

I guarantee 90% of the men on your page will not repost this cuz they care more about their image

You like this..

How to Gracefully Leave an Uncomfortable Date.

Hello everyone, I hope each of you had a wonderful weekend. 

I was talking to a dear friend of mine and she has asked me to do a series of blogs and radio shows about dating and how to deal with a variety of unexpected situations. She is new to the dating world and is running into some issues with overly aggressive men. 

So, today I am going to talk about how to gracefully end an uncomfortable date. The world of dating really can be exciting and fun. There are many wonderful men out there. I know according to every thing you read or watch on TV... there is a shortage of good men. Not true, there are plenty of good men available to date and eventually create a lasting relationship.

If you are careful (not overly-cautious), confident, happy, and truly enjoy the company of men. You will be amazed at the types of wonderful guys you will meet. Yes, you will meet a few odd ones here and there. But, overall if you are expecting a good experience you will have one.

Let's get back to the uncomfortable date. First I want to be sure you have done the following before you go on any date. Here's your checklist:

  1. Actually speak (emails and texts do not count) to your date at least 2 - 3 times before you physically meet. And, you have gotten to know a few things about him.
  2. Select a public place for your date. (Isolated romantic spots can wait until you are officially dating and you have more background information about him.)
  3. Drive your own car. (I recommend doing this for the first few dates)
  4. Select a place that has valet parking and use the valet. It may cost you a few dollars, but your safety is worth it. Especially, if you are removing yourself from a date gone wrong. He will be unable to follow you to your car if it is being brought to you. (Safety First!)
  5. Let someone close to you know your dates name and where you are going.
  6. Leave his phone # with a close friend or family member. 
  7. Make arrangements to call your friend when the date is over and you have arrived home safely.
  8. Use Common Sense... this is a date with someone you really Do Not know.
Now, if you are on the date and are feeling uncomfortable... Maybe your date has made it very clear he expects you to come to his place when you are done with dinner. And, you have told him no. He keeps talking about it and is becoming disrespectful as you continue to say no. Do the following:

  1. LEAVE... Yes, get up from the table and go. Do not sit there and continue to allow someone to make you feel bad. You are not being impolite. You are simply withdrawing from a situation that is no longer enjoyable and you may feel will become even more unpleasant if you remain. Your self-respect is a priority.
Simply sharing a meal with someone does not entitle him to anything more than the pleasure of your company. You are not obligated to kiss him good night, have sex with him, or any other thing that you have no desire to do. I know things can get a little twisted out there. I have heard a few of the insults a man will use if things are not going as he planned.

If you have run into this type of person. It is not a true man that you are dealing with and you need to cut ties as soon as possible. A gentleman is enjoyable and gracious. He is willing to take his time to get to know you. He will not do or say things to make you feel uneasy.  A true gentleman is there to spend time to learn more about you and give you a chance to learn more about him. No strings attached... Period.

Hopefully, this brief blog will at least remind you to always put your safety first. Ending a lousy date is not the end of the world. You will go on another date and continue to meet wonderful new people. Let the icky ones go.

If you have any dating questions or concerns. You can email them to me at

Have a sensuous and sexy day,

Cyndi Harris aka "Madame C" 

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Your Personal Look Can Impact Your Life.

I finished my workout this morning, took a shower, did my hair and makeup then; walked into my closet to decide what to wear. I love spending time in my closet. Sounds funny right, but I have the most amazing clothes in there. I feel like I am taking a mini trip around the world.

I have flowing and exotic kaftans and bellydancing robes and scarves/skirts from India and Egypt. There are gorgeous satin and silk dresses and kimonos from China and Japan. My shoes and handbags are from France and Italy as well as the US. Cowboy boots from Texas and Brazil. And I could go on and on. Each item expresses a piece of my eclectic personality. It offers me the variety to go from classic business attire to the more exotic. My closet is my playground and enables me to express all aspects of the woman I am.

How about you... what does your wardrobe say about you? 

  • Does it have express your inner self? 
  • Or, is it a series of costumes you wear to satisfy someone else's definition of who you are or should be?
  • When you get dressed does it make you feel good?
  • Is your wardrobe vibrant and fun?
  • Or, does getting dressed make you feel depressed?
  • Do your clothes properly fit your body type and add to you self-confidence?
  • Or, does the fit of your clothing frustrate you?
  • What about your undergarments? Are they fun and sexy or simply functional?
  • How about your bra? Does it fit properly? 
  • Have you even been properly fitted for a bra?
These may seem like a ton of odd questions but, your clothing selection; fit; and color choices really can influence how people react to you day to day. Your selections can definitely affect your mood and self-confidence. So, I would like you to take an evening or saturday morning to look through your closet and notice how it makes you feel. If you do not like the "feedback" you are receiving then, maybe it is time to make a change.

To get started, I would recommend:

  • Looking through fashion magazines... Bazaar, InStyle, Allure, and Vogue are good starting points.
  • Start a fashion vision board or scrapbook of pictures you have taken from the magazines
  • Read books like InStyle's "The New Secrets of Style" or "The One Hundred" by Nina Garcia. (They both offer get fashion advice and tips
  • Hire an Image Consultant. An image consultant can really help you fine tune your appearance or unlock hidden potential you have been missing.
These are just a few suggestions. You only get one chance to make a first impression. Whether that impression is for the public or the first look you get of yourself in the morning. I want you to feel good, have fun, and be your glamourous best.

Remember, your comments are always welcome.

Have a sensuous and sexy day,

Cyndi Harris aka "Madame C"

Monday, September 19, 2011

Love Yourself First...

Hello everyone, I want to talk about the importance of loving yourself first. It seems like so many are looking to experience more love in their lives. Unfortunately, they keep looking outside of themselves to receive it. I was sitting in Starbucks reading and I could hear the conversation of the 2 women next to me.

Normally, I tune everything out around me, but one of the ladies was talking so loud that I couldn't avoid the conversation. She apparently was going through a breakup and was venting to her friend about all of the things her ex had not done for her. He did not pay enough attention to her, he did not seem to care about the things in her life that where important to her, he did not make her feel happy any more, and the list went on and on.

As I listened, I wanted to ask how did she fulfill those needs within herself. I am not claiming to know the full facts of her relationship, but too often, people want someone else to "carry" their emotional load for them or keep them entertained.

Relationships are not perfect. We each come in with our own dreams, hopes, and issues; some simple and some more complicated. This is why it is so important that we love ourselves first and foremost. Not in a selfish way, but in a way that cherishes, honors, and respects who we are. If you take the time to treat yourself beautifully and stop seeking approval, entertainment, or validation from another person. It enables you to get through the rocky moments that most relationships go through. You are able to maintain your personal power and emotional well-being. And guess what, it also encourages the person you love to treat you better as well.

Relationships are an amazing and interesting part of our lives. But, if you remember to appreciate, like, and love yourself independent of what someone else may or may not be doing for you. You will discover ways to experience more happiness. And if you do, then you are definitely living within your Goddess power. So, give yourself an hug and...

Have a sensuous and sexy day,

Cyndi Harris aka "Madame C"

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Sex Appeal - When Less is More

Sex appeal is confidence based not media propelled. It is based on the joy of being a woman. The joy and pleasure we feel internally that produces a glow and warmth that is unexplainable. We feel good about who we are. We become more playful and can relax in our sensuality.

Pin up art is a good example. Have you ever wondered what the fascination is with pin up girl art work? If you look at the pictures you notice that they are of everyday women caught in either an unexpected moment or going about everyday tasks. The attraction and fun of the pictures are the playful poses. They tease the viewer with a glimpse of skin, garter belts and stockings... tons of garter belts and stockings. They are sweet and sexy at the same time.

I love the idea of mixing simple and sexy. I know this will sound a bit old-fashioned, but I think that the way we showcase sex appeal today is all wrong; too much skin, a lack of elegance, and improper information. True sexiness has a veil of mystery wrapped around it. It makes a person what to learn more and subtly draws the viewer closer. It promises more pleasant surprises and gives the observer a chance to really become emotionally involved in the process without feeling pressured.

I keep hearing that "sex sells". Yes it does. But today's advertising is "in your face" pressure... pressure... pressure. Instant gratification, every thing has to be experienced right now. There is no finesse... only manipulation.  No wonder we are exhausted and have lost the romance and sensuality in our romantic relationships. We have forgotten how to build pleasurable and sensual excitement.

Well, one of my goals is to reintroduce men and women to the sweet journey of romance and the tease of seduction. Less is more... Seduction is an unexpected glimpse of skin... maybe the back of your neck when you pin your hair up, a strap sliding down your shoulder, a bit of cleavage when you bend over, or the ultimate... A peek of a garter holding up your stockings.  Yes, ladies, the appeal of garters and stockings will never go out of style. It is a forbidden and rare fruit in modern times.

So, if you are experiencing overload and ready to learn how to feel sexier without giving way your modesty or feminine finesse. Sign up for my newsletter at and receive weekly fun and sexy tips that will help you unlock your inner Sex Goddess.

Have a sensuous and sexy Goddess style day,

Cyndi Harris aka "Madame C"

Friday, September 16, 2011

Secrets to Successful Dating

Hello everyone. I finished my workout and the topic of dating kept swirling through my head. Yeah, I know, this sounds a little unusual. But, the pain of endless squats and lunges can cause your mind to wander to escape the pain.

I was thinking about some of the coaching sessions I did this week and the theme seems to be unhappy dating results. Dating really can be a great if you head into it with the right mind set. So, to start off the weekend, I decided to share a few dating tips that have brought me and many clients great success in the dating arena. 

1. I Love Men. I love the way they look, smell, sound, and nearly everything else about them. I enjoy being friends with them and the cool information that they share with me. I like younger men, older men... basically men in general. I appreciate, honor, and respect them. Quite simply, I enjoy spending time with them. Do you notice a theme here? 

Okay, I realize I am stating the obvious. Why would I spend time going on dates if I did not like men? Well, as an experienced relationship coach, I know women who going on dates that do not, in general, like men. Previous relationships or past experience with men overall have left them with a bitter or unpleasant "after taste". So, while they are looking to meet someone special. They already expect it to be a lousy experience. Well guess what, you cannot straddle the fence on this topic. Expecting to receive the worse usually means you will. This, my friends, can become a self-fulfilling prophecy. Which leads me to my next point.

2. Leave your previous relationship/s at the proverbial door. This is a fresh start for you and the person you are meeting for the first time. My philosophy is: I am meeting an interesting new person who may become a great friend. I come with no expectations or judgements. I want to keep my mind and heart open to receive the experience. I expect the same, but if  my date starts discussing their prior relationship in negative terms then, I know that they are still emotionally attached to their ex. This usually means they are not ready to move forward with anyone new so, I include the evening as a new experience and move on with my life. Which brings up my next point...

3. Expect to have a good time. Sounds simple, right? It can be... if... you allow yourself to have fun. Dating can be a nerve-wracking at times. But hopefully, you have spent some time beforehand learning some basics about your date. If you have then, great. This means you like him enough to learn even more. Dating is a process that, in my opinion, should start lightly then if you both decide you want to continue seeing each other. You can open up and share more. For me, I visualize a rosebud; to really enjoy the beauty of a rose and not damage the petals. You must allow it to open up naturally. Rushing the process will destroy the flower and leave you feeling very disappointed. Successful dating is no different. Dating should be a pleasant experience not a job interview or a free psychological session to complain about your ex.  

4. You are in control at all times. I am adding this one because, some women seem confused about how to handle certain situations that may occur during a date. Well, I am here to tell you something extremely important. You DO NOT have to do anything that makes you feel uncomfortable. During or after a date you may discover that your date has expectations that you are not comfortable fulfilling. ALWAYS respect yourself and say no. A gentleman would never put you in an uncomfortable position. He treats you with courtesy and respect and vice versa; you show him the same. Sharing a meal does not include sharing anything more. 

I could go on and on, but I want to keep this as brief as possible. Dating can be fun; if you can get out of your head and move into your heart. I know it may feel a bit scary, but we all have been hurt in previous relationships. My advice is to live in the present moment. Because, if your past still has a choke-hold on your emotions. Dating and eventually find love is nearly impossible.  So, be kind to yourself and allow yourself to live and love with newfound joy.

If you would like to discover ways to improve your dating and relationship success then, go to and sign up on my "Bio" page to receive a Free 15 minute coaching session with me. 

Have a sensuous and sexy Goddess style day

Cyndi Harris aka "Madame C"

Monday, September 12, 2011

Cougar Love

For some reason the term "Cougar" has been on my mind. As most of you know, "Cougar" is the word used to describe and an older woman who dates younger men. I love the word, even though, I have been involved in a couple of potentially heated debates with women who find the word offensive. In their minds, the word describes older women who are desperately seeking the attention of younger men.

Really? Well, I do not know what planet these particular women are living on. Women like Demi Moore, Tina Turner, Joan Collins, and May West, a few stars noted for dating and marrying younger men, do not seem desperate to me. And the women I know, like myself, who date younger men are far from desperate as well. Dating younger men is hardly a new trend. It has been going on for years.

These so-called "cubs" aka younger men are rather persistent suitors, who quite confidently pursue us. These men make it very clear that they find older women attractive, intelligent, and extremely sexy. And here's a newsflash... the majority of these men are not looking for a meal ticket or free ride. I have been told time and time again that they have a hard time relating to younger women and prefer the elegance, excitement, and experience of someone older.

I applaud these guys. They know what and who they want and are learning how to approach us and keep us interested in them. Think about this for a second... within this group there are many up and coming brilliant businessmen in their late 20's to late 30's. These younger men are the creators of businesses like internet training, social media, and other tools we use today. Or at the very least understand how to use the products and have created successful businesses (on and offline) that cater to the world. They are very driven individuals and they want to share their success with someone who can appreciate what they are doing. So, they look to older women. Our life experience is attractive to them. 

As an older women who does date younger men. I admit initially I was skeptical. Especially, when I have guys as young as my sons hitting on me. But, when I finally decided to relax and enjoy the company of someone younger than me. I was pleasantly surprised.

He was 12 years younger than me and had 2 thriving and successful businesses and was creating a third one that has become quite successful as well. He was great company, interesting to talk to, a sensual and passionate lover. He was an absolute gentleman. We had a wonderful time together. The relationship only ended because, he wanted to get married and I was not ready. I learned a great deal from him and since him have dated other younger men. I love their appreciation and enthusiasm for us.

So, the next time a younger guy approaches you and expresses an interest in getting to know you. If you are single, don't be so quick to discourage his attention. Spend a little time getting to know him; you may be in for a beautiful and sexy surprise. Let the wisdom of your inner Sex Goddess come out to play and bask in the admiration of someone who has the intelligence and good taste to appreciate you.

Have a sensuous and sexy day.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Accomplished Beauty

I have been asked why I decided to use the term "Sex Goddess" for my self-improvement coaching for women. The phrase can at times can be controversial. Well, I am an expansive thinking woman who likes to move beyond limiting beliefs. I chose "Sex Goddess" because, I believe it is time for women to reclaim words that are designed to make us feel less powerful and redefine their meaning. Plus, I love how the words "feel"... fun, sultry, playful, and powerful. I smile every time I use the phrase.

Knowing that society sometimes has an issue with sexy women who embrace their feminine power. Here's a question for you. Why does choosing to be a fully empowered women who enjoys the treasures of her femininity, sensuality, and sexuality have to be a bad thing? Feeling good about every part of your life is vital to total success in life. To me, it is so silly and narrow-minded to think that we have to give up our joy and radiance just to fit into what society deems is appropriate.

Seriously, when you hear the words "Sex Goddess" what or who comes to mind? I know for me, the women who come to mind are highly accomplished women who run successful businesses, are raising or have raised a family, are in happy romantic relationships, and make a positive impact in the lives of others.

The women who come to mind, for me, are women who are or were determined, feminine, sexy, and unstoppable. Women like Kimora Lee Simmons, Mary Kay Ash, Raquel Welch, Halle Berry, Angelina Jolie, and Dita Von Teese.  Each of these women have created their own brand of success that influences so many. Their success is not based upon their looks alone, but being attractive is or was an asset they enjoy. They have paid their dues and in the process learned how to appreciate what makes them unique, overcome opposition, and now are living or lived... life to the fullest.

They are true Goddesses. They do or did successfully incorporate appearance and sex appeal into their businesses without any lose of personal integrity. These ladies and other less famous ladies are the reason I decided to reclaim the term "Sex Goddess". A modern day Sex Goddess is the ultimate "Total Package" and loving every moment. My goal is to help other women have more fun and be open to learning more about their sexier self. It is a journey worth exploring. It will open up your life in ways that will pleasantly surprise you. Curious? Then, go to and fill out the "Contact Us" form. To receive more information and set up your free 15 minute consultationI look forward to hearing from you.

Have a sensuous and sexy day,

Cyndi - "Become Unforgettable - Become a 21st Century Sexy Goddess"

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Living life as a 21st Century Sex Goddess - Lingerie

I love being a woman and all the goodies we get to play with like: Lingerie, shoes, clothes, etc.  I am had such a good time this morning going through my lingerie drawers... yes, more than one. Plus, I have stuff hanging in the closet.  I love it all and my collection tells my story: Garter belts, stockings, handmade corsets, baby dolls, vintage (I have some really cool leopard print pieces), vintage nightgowns that remind me of 1940's glamour, antique hand-painted and embroidered silk Japanese kimonos, and the list goes on.

Some items have been gifts and other pieces I bought for myself. I think it is important for a women invest in at least 3 beautiful pieces of lingerie for herself of her liking and taste. There is something so feminine and slightly naughty about wearing gorgeous silky garments under your day to day clothes.

It is like a secret that will make you smile for no reason throughout your day. If you disagree with me. Go out and buy the most beautiful matching bra and panty set you can find. Splurge a little and get a really good set... sorry ladies Walmart and similar stores don't count this time. These stores have cute stuff, but I want you to own something that makes you feel exquisite, ultra special and pampered. Items that you save for special moments when you may be feel a little down and need a pick me up. Or an occasion when you are in the mood to celebrate.

Pick a day to wear your new pieces, have fun with the process. In the morning when you get up. Take out your sexy new set and lay them on your bed; take a moment to admire the beauty of the pieces; go take your shower; then, apply a scented lotion to your skin and top it off with a spritz of your favorite perfume. Go back to your bedroom and gently slide into your new lingerie; enjoy how the silky material feels as it glides along your skin; once in your new bra and panty set... go back and apply your makeup and do your hair. I want you to take the time to admire yourself in the mirror. I guarantee you will move differently and take extra special care to look even more glamourous. Finish getting dressed then, proceed with your day.

At the end of the day... How do you feel? Did you notice that people treated you differently today? Did you seem to enjoy the day a little more than usual. I know you are thinking, how can a bra and pair of panties make my day a better day? Do the experiment and you'll see.  Once done, I would l enjoy hearing about your experience. Feel free to share it here by posting a comment.

If you need some help with lingerie choice and selection... Click on the following link and check out this amazing site: Secrets in Lace Retro Lingerie- Pinup Girl Glamour

Thanks and have a sensuous and sexy day : )