Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Red Tent Wisdom with host Cyndi Harris 04/10 the "Art of Surrender".

Here is the "Art of Surrender" replay... How to use this simple skill to improve your life and release life's challenges with a grace and strength that can be magical/miraculous.

Red Tent Wisdom with host Cyndi Harris 04/10 by Earth Angels Radio | Blog Talk Radio

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

"The Power of Surrender"... Red Tent Wisdom radio with host Cyndi Harris 04/03

Hello everyone, here is the replay for part 2 of my new series "The Power of Surrender." The feedback has been very positive. Enjoy... your comments and feedback are always welcome.

Red Tent Wisdom with host Cyndi Harris 04/03 by Earth Angels Radio | Blog Talk Radio

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Sassy Sensuous and Succulent Women w/ Cyndi Harris topic "I Believe In Love"| Blog Talk Radio

My new "Sassy, Sensuous, and Succulent Woman" radio show airs every Wednesday evening at 6p EDT. 3/21 show was "I Believe In Love". I hear so much fear wrapped around the topic of falling or being in love.   There is always hope when you learn how to open up and receive its blessings.

Sassy Sensuous and Succulent Women w/ Cyndi Harris 03/21 by madamc | Blog Talk Radio

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Interracial Dating - A Woman's Opinion

Have you ever thought about dating someone from an ethnic group other than your own? Yes, why? Curiosity, new dating options, etc. No, why not? Fear of other people's opinions, rejection, fear of the unknown, etc.

Interracial dating has become more noticeable than ever. I personally am happy to see that more men and women have the courage to love the man or woman of their choice. I have always dated who I liked regardless of the color of his skin. I have had the pleasure and good fortune to meet and go out with men literally from all around the world. American men; Asian, Black, and White. European men; Greek, French, Italian. Middle Eastern: Arabic and Iraseli.

These men have treated me like a queen. Regardless of whether it was a few dates or a few years, the time spent with these gentleman was educational, fun, and a wonderful experience. Spending time with them simply reaffirmed what I already knew. The color of a person's skin has nothing to do with the quality of a man. It is the person he has decided to become and be that determines his greatest and likability/lovability.

Some have remained friends; others have moved on and I no longer speak to them. Life has provided me with this wonderful opportunity for friendship and love because, I refuse to allow other people's opinions of what is right or wrong prevent me from living an abundant and satisfying love life.

As a relationship coach, I hear the moaning... "There are no good men left to date and/or marry." I know this is untrue. But, if you are determined to limit your options out of fear and misinformation then, yes you are working with a limited supply. Even better, if you are willing to be more open-minded and relinquish your unfounded fears. You open up a flood gate of dating and relationship opportunities.

So, if you have never dated outside of your ethnic group and are curious about how to make the transition as painless as possible. I can definitely help. I have heard my share of criticism; received the dirty looks form observers; and been at the other side of clueless remarks. I can show you real ways to move past the naysayers and learn that love truly is color blind. Life is a beautiful thing once you learn how to move past the constant need for other people's approval and open up your heart and mind to new possibilities.

Your life and who you love is a personal and private matter. Your choices can create or destroy love in your life. So, if you are ready to love without limits. Contact me at: (Click on the name) Interracial Dating. I can help you make the this new experience as exciting and painless as possible.
Wishing your unlimited joy and lasting love,

Cyndi Harris aka "Madam C"

Sunday, January 29, 2012

"How to Love a Man"

I created this mini series called "How to Love a Man." to help a woman invite her man or future man back into her life..

In our mission to become independent and self-reliant. We have left behind some of our greatest defenders and support... Our men. Yes, I said it... "Our men". A good man can be a woman's greatest asset just as a good woman can be a man's. We were created to admire, appreciate, and love each other. The gift we offer each other is far greater then we realize or understand.

We allow ourselves to become so overloaded with doubt, fear, and mistrust that we some times miss out on a great guy who is more than able and willing to step up and be that King you are searching for to build and create your empire, raise a family, or other live desires and goals you may have.

Click the link to watch 
 "How to Love a Man"- the video

Ladies, men are not the enemy. They need us as much as we need them. Yes, I said, "We need them" because we do. Love is an emotion that is meant to be shared and as a woman we need to feel and bask in the "sunlight" that a loving man offers us. We need to share our "sunlight" as well. Nothing can replace the magic that happens within a happy, loving, passionate, and extraordinary relationship.

So, if you are struggling with finding ways to keep that flame alive within your current relationship or are ready to meet a new man and what to ensure greater success at finding and keeping him if you are single.

Watch the videos, they offer simple steps that can help you achieve the type of romantic relationship you have been searching for.

Friday, January 27, 2012

"How a Queen Attracts Her King"... Red Tent Wisdom with host Cyndi Harris 01/24 by Earth Angels Radio | Blog Talk Radio

Okay, ladies, are you ready to attract the type of man who makes your "heart sing"? Yes, then listen to this show which is part of my "How to Love a Man." series. This show is titled... "How a Queen Attracts Her King." Red Tent Wisdom with host Cyndi Harris 01/24 by Earth Angels Radio | Blog Talk Radio