Thursday, September 29, 2011

"Get Out of Your Head and Into Your Heart"

I woke up this morning thinking about how wonderful it is to live inside my body. Okay, you are thinking, what is she talking about? I am talking about really taking a moment and experiencing how you feel and receive the sensations, smells, tastes, sights, and sounds around you. Opening yourself up to literally... Feel Life.

It is so easy to get caught up in the pressures of living that you can forget how to... Live. There really is a "pulse" that beats around us. It is loving, sensuous, sexy, and vibrant. This energy, when you stop rushing around, can shift your whole attitude about everything around you. It can reconnect you to the natural beauty of your life experience. It can help you rediscover the beauty and joy of your existence. All of a sudden, you can begin to feel unexplained happiness and pleasure that you have been overlooking. It will stop you from living a lopsided life powered by exhausting stimulation of the world and start selecting what and who you will allow close to you.

Being a very sensuous person, I am also deeply spiritual and find it very easy to allow this energy to flow through and around me. It enables me to feel and love more deeply. It also allows me to pick up on the "conversations" that go on around me. It helps me to appreciate nature and her glorious gifts. It makes it simpler for me to smile at people as I move through my day. It helps me to be even more grateful for the "magic" in my life; the love of family and friends, the taste of a perfect piece of ripe fruit, how the grass smells after it rains, etc.

When, I am involved in a relationship. It tunes me into the softness of my skin under my lover's touch and the look in his eyes as he admires the beauty of my body. It shows up in shared laughter or comfortable silence as we lie together feeling the rhythm and sensations of each others body. It is the smell of my lover's skin after he showers then, the smell of shaving cream as I watch him shave. There is something so sexy about watching a man shave. It is allowing myself the chance to get lost in the richness of our connection without sacrificing me.

Living life from within your body is glorious. Something that I highly recommend. So, here is my request. Today, I want you to get out of your head and "step" into your heart. Be still long enough to feel your breath and listen for the beat of your heart. Make it even more fun... if you are in a relationship. Hold your lover... lay your head on his chest and listen to his heartbeat. Allow this simple gesture bring the two of you closer together. 

If you are single, then tonight I want you to lie down in your bed after you done with your bedtime preparations. Turn on some soft music, close your eyes, and just lie there and allow your breath to gently take you inside your body. Place your hand upon your heart and as you slowly drift off to sleep... you will hear the beat of your heart welcoming you back home.

It really can change you for the better. I would love to hear about your experience. Leave your comment below.

Have a sensuous and sexy day,

Cyndi Harris (Check out this fun and playful site)

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