Tuesday, November 18, 2014

50 Shades of Grey: Would you dare?

A few days ago I was watching a show on TV and they showed the new trailer for the upcoming "50 Shades of Grey" movie trailer.

As expected it was all hot and steamy full of possibilities and potential for the movie. I had to laugh because, as we continue to move closer to the release of the movie; the interest in BDSM has increased and I have noticed how it is becoming more visible on mainstream programs.

Women are seeking to learn more about being either more sexually submissive or dominate in their intimate relationships. I have even heard that some women have gone to matchmakers requestng to meet a man like Christian Grey.

The fantasy of being with a man who is so masterful in life and the erotic arts is tempting, but my question is... Do these women really understand their request. Most of them would not last a split second with such a man; confident and accustom to having his way. A man with the expectation that things are to be his way.

There is a reason the author wrote Anatasia as such an inexperienced young woman. She comes into the relationship minus a ton of the baggage an older woman brings. She is open to experiementing and allowing Christian to lead her through such an intense yet vulnerable sexual maze.

But, it is more than sex, it is about a couple's willingness to communicate, trust, and grow together in a profound way. It shows the push and pull of masculine vs. feminine then, reveals how they finally learn to complement each other in a way that creates a beautiful bond and loving relationship.

So, once again, my thoughts return to the question... How many women could really handle the true dynamics of such an intense yet rewarding relationship?

How about you? Would you be willing to open up and receive such an aggressive yet compassionate love?

If so, let's talk.  It is time to stop hiding out. It is time to live and love fully. 

Go to: www.meetyourboaz.com and allow me to introduce you to amazing and unexpected romantic and love experience.

Wishing you much love and unlimited joy,

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